Asset Location Drives After Tax Investment Returns
When you’re saving for retirement, it is obvious that how much you’re saving makes an enormous impact. However, many times people overlook the importance of choosing where you’re saving strategically. In truth, where you’re saving your money is just as important as how much money you’re saving. Keep reading to learn where the most savvy investors save their money to minimize taxes and maximize their wealth in retirement!
Why Your Retirement Account Paperwork Needs to Be Done Right
Join Chris, CEO of Reap Financial, as he uncovers the critical importance of maintaining accurate paperwork for your IRAs and 401(k)s. In this eye-opening episode, Chris shares two compelling case studies highlighting the significant pitfalls that can arise from neglected retirement account paperwork.
Opportunities When it Comes to Your Retirement Plan Changes in 2024
When you think about your retirement account and how much you’re putting into it, keep in mind that it doesn’t…
Your Early Retirement Dream – How to Retire Early and Make Your Savings Last
At REAP Financial, we see many clients with questions like this: can I retire successfully with a certain amount saved? There is a lot of confusion about which numbers indicate that you can retire successfully. From the total amount saved, the withdrawal rate, inflation rate, and more, there are lots of factors to consider. However, the real driver of whether you can retire successfully is none of these things! It’s one you likely don’t even suspect.
Top Ways Retirement Plans Fall Apart
In this video, Chris Heerlein of Reap Financial discusses key reasons why retirement plans can fail. He highlights several pitfalls: 1 – Buying a Second Home. 2 – Taking on Debt. 3 – Starting a New Business: New ventures are risky and often require substantial capital and time to become profitable. Caution is advised. 4 – Over-helping Friends and Family. 5 – Lack of a Spending Plan.
Assessing Your Retirement Readiness in 2024
After decades of work and diligently saving for retirement, you may be thinking that 2024 is the year to finally retire! However, before you officially retire, make sure you take the time to assess your situation and your retirement plan. Taking the time to do this, ensures that you’re in the best possible position when you retire to total retirement success. How do you assess your retirement readiness? REAP Financial is here to help you identify some key things you should be considering!
Say Goodbye to Tax Deferral
In today’s fast-paced world, it’s essential to adapt and evolve our financial strategies to maximize our wealth effectively. As we…
Four Hidden Tax Traps That Could Derail Your Retirement
When you’re planning your retirement, you want to make sure you’re in the best possible position! Part of being in the best position is ensuring you know about 4 hidden tax traps you might not know about, which can take your retirement off track.