
Understanding Medicare & How to Optimize Your Medicare Plan

Understanding Medicare & How to Optimize Your Medicare Plan

When it comes to retirement, planning for Medicare is a big thing you have to consider. It is important to plan for Medicare so you can optimize how much you’ll pay for it, what benefits you need, when to get on Medicare, and more! Keep reading for these tips, as well as a key strategy for getting around high Medicare premiums. 


The Secrets to Retiring Rich and Stress-Free

When it comes to retirement, there are some secrets we can learn from the super rich about living a stress-free and meaningful retirement. At REAP Financial, we help our clients understand the in’s and out’s of preparing for retirement, and that includes building a happy, as well as a wealthy, retirement future. In this article, we’ll go over some of the secrets usually reserved for the ultra-wealthy about how to retire successfully and without stress. Keep reading to uncover these secrets for yourself!

Retirement Planning Tips for Self-Employed Individuals

Retirement Planning Tips for Self-Employed Individuals

If you’re a self-employed individual, you have more control over your retirement planning than those with regular, W-2 employment income. However, very few business owners are set up properly and know the best ways to save for the future. In this article, we’ll share the top accounts and strategies for recommended business-owners planning for retirement. These are the real strategies we, at REAP Financial, help our clients use to get the most out of their retirement.

How to Avoid Costly IRA Mistakes

How to Avoid Costly IRA Mistakes

If you’re saving for retirement, chances are you have an IRA, whether it’s a Roth IRA, Sep IRA, or traditional IRA. All of these accounts are powerful, but even so, it is important to make sure you know how to avoid costly mistakes and tax penalties when taking money out of these accounts. It’s easy to put money in these accounts, but it can be challenging to get your money out wisely. At REAP Financial, we specialize in showing retirees how to get the most out of their retirement savings, including IRAs.

How to Master the Art of Social Security Timing

How to Master the Art of Social Security Timing

By the time you reach retirement, you’ve been saving for many years. Naturally, you want to get the most possible out of your retirement, including your Social Security. That is why it’s so important to optimize the timing to maximize your financial success in retirement. At REAP Financial, we want everyone to get the highest possible benefit from their social security. In this article, we’ll cover the art of Social Security timing and how to make sure you time your benefits for the maximum gain, including one of the most overlooked strategies that can cost you big.

Unlocking Financial Growth with IRA to HSA Transfers

Unlocking Financial Growth with IRA to HSA Transfers

Health Savings Accounts, or HSAs, are one of the most powerful retirement planning accounts out there. However, they’re highly underutilized….

Tax-Free Gifting - 3 Powerful Strategies & Busting Myths

Tax-Free Gifting: 3 Powerful Strategies & Busting Myths

Many families make gifting an important part of their financial life, by giving charitably to causes they believe in or giving to kids, friends, or families, who don’t qualify as charities. There are a lot of misconceptions about gifting and how to gift money to an individual. In this article, we’ll go over three ways you can gift money to friends and family tax-free.

Reduce Taxes on Your 401k Company Stock with the NUA Strategy

Reduce Taxes on Your 401k Company Stock with the NUA Strategy

If your 401k plan includes some of your employer’s stock, you need to understand there are two ways to move employer stock out of a 401k. While some are better than others, at REAP Financial, we want to help you reduce the tax on your distributions as much as possible. In this article, we’ll go over the best strategy to handle company stock in a 401k plan to minimize taxes.

Uncovering the Secrets - Roth IRA vs. Roth 401k

Uncovering the Secrets – Roth IRA vs. Roth 401k

At REAP Financial, we always talk about the importance of tax-free investing. You can get tax-free investing through two retirement accounts, Roth 401ks and Roth IRAs. While both of these accounts are vehicles for tax-free investing, there are some key differences between the two you need to be aware of. In this article, we’ll break down the top differences between a Roth IRA and a Roth 401k