February 2022

Social Security Claim Strategies - Voluntary Suspension

Maximizing Social Security Benefits: The Voluntary Suspension Strategy

In his latest episode of Retire Ready TV, Chris Heerlein introduces a relatively unknown but powerful Social Security claiming strategy known as Voluntary Suspension. This strategy, particularly relevant since the elimination of the file-and-suspend and restricted application strategies in April 2016, allows individuals to optimize their Social Security benefits. Heerlein explains that Voluntary Suspension permits a person to start receiving Social Security benefits early, then suspend these benefits at full retirement age without the obligation to repay the amounts already received. This approach can be particularly beneficial for married couples, where one spouse starts receiving reduced benefits early, and the other defers theirs.

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New Solution to Wealth Management - Hire a Virtual Family Office Firm

New Solution to Wealth Management? Hire a Virtual Family Office Firm

What is a Virtual Family Office (VFO)? A Virtual Family Office (VFO) is an innovative approach to wealth management that caters to the needs of affluent families by offering personalized, comprehensive financial services and advice. Unlike traditional family offices, which are typically reserved for the ultra-wealthy with resources to maintain their own teams of financial professionals, a VFO leverages modern technology to provide similar high-level, tailored financial services virtually.

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